營收US$17.57B (前一季預期16.6 - 17.2)
純利率41.3%, 前兩季 37.9% 38.6%
(營運支出減少, 公司話係因為今季無捐疫苗嘅支出)
出貨量 QoQ +1.4% ;YoY +12.5%
QoQ: 營收 +11.6% ; 出貨量 +1.4%
YoY: 營收 +36% ; 出貨量 +12.5%
咁樣拼埋一睇, 咪啫係加左價啦
(價又加, 量又加, 勁!!!!!)
依個時候我地要望一望其他公司, 點解? 陣間就知
QoQ 11.6% ; YoY 36%
毛利率達到55.6% ; 前兩季分別 52.7% 52.4%
(公司解釋毛利率上升係因為"加價" & 更有效控制成本)
毛利率達到55.6% ; 前兩季分別 52.7% 52.4%
(公司解釋毛利率上升係因為"加價" & 更有效控制成本)
純利率41.3%, 前兩季 37.9% 38.6%
(營運支出減少, 公司話係因為今季無捐疫苗嘅支出)
出貨量 QoQ +1.4% ;YoY +12.5%
QoQ: 營收 +11.6% ; 出貨量 +1.4%
YoY: 營收 +36% ; 出貨量 +12.5%
咁樣拼埋一睇, 咪啫係加左價啦
(價又加, 量又加, 勁!!!!!)
- 5nm制程 過去收入佔比 20% 23% 14% (22Q1 ; 21Q4 ; 21Q1)
- 7nm制程 過去收入佔比 30% 27% 35%
- 智能電話相關佔比收入 40% 44% 45%
- 高效晶片佔比收入 41% 37% 35%
- 賣貨收錢嘅日子有改善, 由改去30日 減少兩日到28日
- 公司手上現金& 有價證券 約TW$1,282 B
- 現時計息負債為TW$794B
- ("破產"層面唔太會發生, 唔需要擔心)
- 公司表示嚟緊2022下半年, 張會開始3mn 制程, 會係下一個增長點
- 供應鏈係受到挑戰, 但問題不大 (已解決, 可解決)
- 已經同供應商傾緊2023年至2024年嘅訂單
- 另外, 公司嘅產能已經用到好盡, 唔會有「減價」依個機會
- (亦符第一大段, 調轉計一計個位)
- 現時公司產能仍未能夠滿足市場需求
- 提醒下, 喺2021年1月, 公司提過未來幾年嘅收入複合增長會係~15%~20%
依個時候我地要望一望其他公司, 點解? 陣間就知
Turning to CapEx, the results in the fourth quarter primarily reflect ongoing investment in our technical infrastructure, most notably in servers, to support ongoing growth in both Google Services and Google Cloud. We also increased the pace of investment in fit-outs and ground-up construction of office facilities.In 2022, we expect a meaningful increase in CapEx. In Technical Infrastructure, servers will again be the largest driver of spend.
We expect capital expenditures to increase in coming years to support growth in our cloud offerings. We have operating and finance leases for datacenters, corporate offices, research and development facilities, Microsoft Experience Centers, and certain equipment. We have not engaged in any related party transactions or arrangements with unconsolidated entities or other persons that are reasonably likely to materially affect liquidity or the availability of capital resources.
AMZN (link)
Detailing capital expenditure plans, Amazon’s CFO Brian Olsavsky acknowledged for the first time that AWS accounts for just under 40% of Amazon’s entire capex, noting that “Amazon is a large customer of that as well as we build and structure for ourselves directly or through AWS”
網絡三巨頭喺來年(甚至可預計未來幾年), 都會大舉投資於 伺服器, 電相關, (意味巨頭連帶對高端晶片嘅需求)
Market revenue of artificial intelligence chips from 2020 to 2026 |
ASML 年報2021, Page 28 (link) |
睇返 ASML 嘅預測 (你估下ASML 作為賣機比TSM嘅唯一, 兩兄弟互利共生, ASML會唔會唔清楚 TSM 未來有幾多增長)
所以佢份年報就好值得參考嘅 😏
到2025年, 整體市場年複合增長8.2%
配合埋個加價, 反證返TSM 嘅15% 20% 增長預測唔算太唔合理
台積電 TSM 估值 (2022 Apr)
- 台積電-財務報告 -2022Q1 (link)
- 《半導體》台積電未來續樂觀 營收年增率再上調至15~20% (link)
- 台積電:維持產能吃緊看法及不降價 首季高效運算收佔高於智慧型手機 (link)
- 2奈米研發照進度 最快2025年下半年量產 (link)
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